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Cancer treatment with gy as the golden year espe- provides a service where Our prototype plan is ready sources.
genetically modified CAR-T cially for the opening of the the digital data that needs for DNA production, storage
cells has been on the genetic treatment era. After to be stored for long years and practical back reading, You have encrypted the
agenda of the world for that year, pharmaceutical is encrypted by storing it in however investment is first string of the Turkish
the last few years. When it companies have tried to DNA libraries and archived required. We can store our National Anthem, following
appeared in US with a price produce genetic regulation with the algorithm we DNA archives we produce the sequences of the
of $475,000, everyone was methods (CRISPR) or gene produce with DNA-cryp- on the HiDNA platform with Turkish alphabet's DNA
looking for a way to afford transfer methods in the tology approach to get chemical formulations that letters (A, T, C & G). A
it. European countries have treatment of many genetic them secure. The HiDNA can store the DNAs without software is also developed
been working for many diseases considered incura- data archive will not require requiring special ambient for this. You are guiding
years to produce this meth- ble. In other words, it seems additional costs such as conditions and at room not only to present ideas
od in their countries. We, that we will be hearing a lot electricity, cold room and temperature for up to 40 to your environment but
as Turkey and Acıbadem about the people whose maintenance-repair that years. also to turn that idea into
Labcell Laboratory, started lives are changed with ge- would be required for long a business plan and sales.
this study with the initiative netic treatments in the next years for the storage of per- You transfer samples of What is your current goal?
of Prof. Dr. Ercüment Ovalı. years. sonal data, account infor- DNA data storage systems
To perform this treatment, mation and health records in a clear language. You We aim to be a pioneer in
we had to conduct long For many centuries, many on silicone chips. For this have prepared an article the development of DNA
laboratory and animal trials. people had to live with reason, the HiDNA project, titled “It Is Possible to data storage and DNA-
Genetic design, lentivirus incurable genetic diseases. which integrates molecular Store 200 Million GB Digital based computers by 2023
production and CAR-T cell However, “Rare Diseases” DNA biology with computer Data in 1 Gram DNA!”. as a domestic initiative. We
production had never been started being treated with algorithms, offers a platform We published it in the last aim to provide technology
performed in our country CRISPR and other Gene that combines effective issue. You mentioned that transfer and added value
before in clinical standards. Therapy methods in the last encryption-storage and the usage areas of the in synthetic DNA biology to
For this reason, we started decade. You have recently practical read-back units data storage in DNA have our country as an innovative
everything from scratch. We held the CRISPR genome where privacy is prioritized. increased considerably with technology in archiving
have successfully completed modification technology the developing technology. digital data, in order to
our laboratory and animal workshop, which has “HiDNA” Platform technolo- It seems it will continue store text, visual, audio and
trials over the past three revolutionized Genetic gy for Encrypting, Archiving increasing. What would you account data in DNA safely
years and we are now about Engineering in this regard. and Practical Readback of say about it? and in the smallest medium
to publish the scientific What did you discuss there? Digital Data in DNA is the for many years. In addition
paper. In early 2019, we first and only in our country. In health services, a lot to extending the archiving
successfully got our permis- We strive to hold our CRIS- The team that formed our of data is produced from effectiveness of digital data
sions from the Ministry of PR workshops in different initiative is comprised of many sources. Similarly, in in DNA to hundreds of years,
Health and the human ethics cities or universities every people experienced DNA the field of health, signifi- we also aim to be a pioneer
committee and rolled up our year. Our goal is to increase techniques and algorithm cant amounts of data are in the field of health by using
sleeves for clinical studies. the number of people who and code writing. The team produced in institutions and the experiences we have
CAR-T cell therapy requires know this technique, both in also closely follows the organizations of various gained in this field together
a fully multidisciplinary academic research and in technologies of the future sizes ranging from a doc- with the algorithm and
collaboration. In addition the biotechnology industry. and their market shares. tor's office to multi-service genetic production retention
to the need to have a team For this purpose, we try to For this reason, the aim of polyclinics, health centers methods we have devel-
of experts in the laboratory, share the CRISPR technol- the HiDNA initiative in the and large hospital networks. oped, in gen therapies which
it is a very important chain ogy experiences we have long term with appropriate However, the huge amounts is our field of specialization,
that a team that has worked acquired abroad. In each investments and opportuni- of health-related data and in producing special
well is performing this treat- workshop, we are especially ties is to predict and get an made it difficult to process genetic designs. We aim
ment during the application interested in many of our effective share in the sector, by traditional data process- to provide cost-effective
and follow-up in the hospital. friends who have a project while there is not a market ing methods. Large Health technologies (without the
For this reason, we have to produce with CRISPR in share yet, by keeping its Data includes data based need for electricity expense
managed to apply these mind, and we advise them patents and infrastructures on heterogeneous, mul- or cold storage space as in
applications clinically with on how they can achieve ready until the era of Data ti-spectral, incomplete and the computer data storage)
the gathering of experts their goals. We also held our Storage and DNA com- inaccurate observations (for with the methods we will
from different fields and our CRISPR workshop at İzmir puter technologies. HiDNA example, demographic data develop with HiDNA for the
applications will increasingly University of Economics in consists of web platform as well as diagnosis, treat- practical sequencing and ef-
continue. October 2019 and we came and DNA production-stor- ments, diseases, disease ficient storage of the human
a bit closer to our goal of age-back-reading stages. prevention, injury, physical genome.
Tens of cellular genetic reaching everyone. The prototype of and mental disorders)
therapy trials are carried website has been prepared. generated from different
out every year in the world. Although data storage gets ArabLabChem220x150Yellow_Layout 1 11/12/2019 17:00 Page 1
You said that more than cheaper as technology
30 gene therapy products evolves, the storage and
are planned to be on sale in reliability of big data
2025. Can the patients, who requires large costs
are considered incurable and systems. DNA, our THE MOST POWERFUL
for years, be treated with body's main treasure of
this method? knowledge, has shaped ANNUAL SHOW FOR THE THE WORLD OF
the bioindustry to store SCIENCE & CHEMISTRY
The pharmaceutical compa- this big data and keep it COME TOGETHER
ny executives we hosted in safe for decades without GLOBAL LABORATORY &
a course I took in New York any other expense. By
University at the beginning establishing a team under ANALYTICAL INDUSTRY
of 2013 said that although the name of "HiDNA", you
they produced drugs for combined your information The show that attracts Scientific
many diseases, they did in your field with computer & Laboratory personnel from a wide
not do any study for some algorithms and developed range of global industries including: 2020
diseases. When we asked a personalized DNA data AGRICULTURE INSTRUMENTATION
the reason of that, they storage method that can BIOTECHNOLOGY LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY
said that there are very few be stored for many years. CHEMICALS & REAGENTS MATERIAL TESTING
people who can buy these You have a website named CHEMICAL PROCESSING MEDICAL RESEARCH
drugs, that’s who can afford What can CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS NANOTECHNOLOGY 16 – 18 MARCH
the costs thereof, in Africa you say about HiDNA? DEVELOPMENT PROCESS CONTROL
countries in case they “HiDNA” platform technolo- EQUINE DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT
produce the drug. The year gy for Encrypting, Archiving FORENSICS & SECURITY WWW . ARABLAB .COM
2013 went down in history and Practical Readback
thanks to CRISPR technolo- of Digital Data in DNA,