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P. 13          SPECIAL EDITION 4

       YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                              013

                    the project is to contribute
                    to the training of young sci-
                    entists who will take part in
                    research and development
                    studies, together with the
                    valuable academicians who
                    are already working in this
                    Zayer also stated that
                    biotechnological drugs can
                    provide treatment with
                    less side effects in a much
                    shorter time compared to
                    conventional drugs. Point-
                    ing out to Turkey’s potential
                    to produce biotechnologi-
                    cal drugs and stating that
                    drug manufacturing is a
                    challenging process requir-
                    ing patience, Zayer said
                    “Turkey started to make
                    investments and exerting
                    efforts in this field and now
                    is taking progress.  We will
                    be able to see the results of
                    these steps in the coming

                    “IT WILL MAKE
                    A SIGNIFICANT            center among thematic     biological drug and active   This technology enables
                    CONTRIBUTION TO          research centers operating   ingredient research and   the natural proteins and
                    ADVANCED AND             in higher education insti-  development activities will   hormones produced by
                    ACADEMIC BASED           tutions with their national   be carried out in Turkey, but   the body to be produced
                    WORKFORCE”               and international qualified   also the training activities   by cell cultures in the
                                             research staff and the    will be carried out and the   laboratory. The molecules
                    Alpagut Kara, the Chair-  bridge between university   doctorate students will be   compatible with the human
                    man of Board of Directors   and industry.          provided with scholarship.    body produced in this way
                    of SUNUM, stated that                              Also, thanks to this unit, the   are called biotechnological
                    SUNUM is one of the 4    Emphasizing that such     attention of the sector will   products.
                    centers for which a compe-  steps will significantly   focus on SUNUM and a sig-
                    tence decision was taken   contribute to Turkey’s   nificant contribution will be   According to the infor-
                    in Turkey within the scope   advanced and acade-   made to the advanced and   mation provided, a value
                    of the Law on Supporting   my-based workforce, Kara   academy-based workforce   amounting to 23,3 billion
                    Research Infrastructures;   said “We signed the agree-  that our country needs.  dollars is aimed using the
                    and that they primarily   ment by feeling the support                       innovative and advanced
                    focused their know-how on   we received from Merck,   Kara said that the collab-  technology in the health
                    nano-materials, life scienc-  one of the leading suppli-  oration represents a very   field within the scope of
                    es, food, agriculture, water,   ers of the Global Health   important university-indus-  Turkey’s vision for 2023.
                    environment and energy   Services and Life Sciences   try collaboration and such   Increasing research and
                    fields”.                 sector, and the deep-root-  kind of collaborations with   development investments,
                                             ed strength and close     foreign partners in Turkey   creating trained human re-
                    Stating that SUNUM is at   collaboration of the host   is still significant in terms   sources and increasing the
                    the center of research,   organization, the Sabanci   of showing that there is a   number of biotechnological
                    education and innovation   University.  In the SUNUM &   center of attraction.   production centers are
                    activities, Kara said that   MERCK Life Sciences Ap-                        included in the road map.
                    they are an exemplary    plication Unit, not only the   A MODERN LABORATORY
                                                                       INFRASTRUCTURE WAS       The vision of “Turkey
                                                                       ESTABLISHED FOR          become a country having
                                                                       BIOTECHNOLOGICAL         significant centers, man-
                                                                       PRODUCT PROCESS          ufacturing facilities and
                                                                       DEVELOPMENT              trained academicians in
                                                                                                the field of drug and active
                                                                       Turkey, with the collabora-  ingredient research and
                                                                       tion in question, acquired   development” is support-
                                                                       a modern laboratory      ed with the information
                                                                       infrastructure in terms of   transfer that is provided by
                                                                       biotechnological product   Merck to Turkey thanks to
                                                                       process development.  By   the project.
                                                                       this means, the research
                                                                       and development of       Within the scope of collab-
                                                                       biotechnological products   oration; A joint study group
                                                                       in Turkey are supported   will be created by the two
                                                                       and setting up an acad-  institutions and the schol-
                                                                       emy-based workforce is   arships will be provided to
                                                                       aimed.  Biotechnological   doctoral students to be
                                                                       products are produced    chosen from the Sabancı
                                                                       thanks to “recombinant   University Molecular Biolo-
                                                                       DNA technology”, which   gy, Genetics and Bioengi-
                                                                       enables the transfer of a   neering Program.
                                                                       gene belonging to a living
                                                                       cell to another living cell.
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