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       008                                                                                     HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

                                        DOMESTIC ‘HYALURONIC

                                        ACID’ PRODUCED BY USING
            A faculty
            member of                   BACTERIA IN LABORATORY
            Ankara University
            Faculty of
            Medicine,                   ENVIRONMENT
            Department of
            Prof. Dr. Nuray
            Yazihan and her
            team, managed
            to produce
            acid, which is
            widely used in
            cosmetics and
            adds ‘moisture-
            properties to
            skin creams,
            using bacteria
            in a laboratory

       Hyaluronic acid, which is   lot of use in medical devic-  genetic changes in the   take it as a supplement af-  them because we don’t
       widely used in cosmetics,   es and medicinal products.    bacteria we use”.   ter a certain period of time.    have production conditions
       aesthetic surgery, and   Acquisition methods and                             We will make it in the form   and possibilities”.
       tissue engineering, can also   production methods differ   Expressing that they will   of a food supplement for-
       be produced from various   according to the usage   start producing hyaluronic   mulation made specifically   Emphasizing that the value
       animal tissues, such as   area, and this reflects in the   acid food supplements in   for the joints”.   of the substance in the
       shark skin, rooster comb,   price”.                the first 6 months of 2020,                        cosmetic field is much high-
       cattle pupils.  When used in                       Yazihan noted that the    Yazihan, who managed to   er, Yazihan continued her
       skin creams, it is known for   Pointing out that the   product will be sold in a   produce this import-de-  words as follows: “There
       its property to keep mois-  hyaluronic acid produced   food supplement format   pendent substance in Tur-  are many cosmetic manu-
       ture up to a thousand times   from bacteria in the labo-  without GMO.  Expressing   key, said that they would   facturers in Turkey; creams
       its weight in water.     ratory environment is more   that the food supplement   primarily produce it as a   are produced and they put
                                compatible with human     will be for those who have   food supplement because   this substance into creams
       Yazihan and his team     nature than the production   joint problems, Yazıcıhan   they could not find the fi-  or make supplements.  We
       worked on ‘production of   of animal origin, Yazihan   continued as follows:   nancial support required by   are talking about a product
       hyaluronic acid from bac-  continued: “There are also   “When you say hyaluronic   hyaluronic acid production   that has an incredible
       teria’, which was started by   those of animal origin in the   acid, beauty comes to   in the cosmetic field: “When   market share in the field of
       Prof. Dr. Ahmet Çabuk and   substances on the market,   mind, this is indispensable   you make a cosmetic filler,   lip filling, under-eye filling or
       his team from Osmangazi   but when you use products   for women.  This substance   the production weight of   otherwise in the cosmetic
       University, and produced   of animal origin, you are   is a very important filling   the hyaluronic acid will   field.  If it is localized in Tur-
       pure hyaluronic acid suit-  very likely to encounter an   material for your skin.   change along with the mo-  key, if suitable conditions
       able for use in food and   allergic reaction. Plus, when   Besides, if we think about   lecular weight of the hya-  are provided, it will become
       cosmetics.  Yazihan, who is   there is any bacterial or   Turkey, most people have   luronic acid. Of course, this   a product that will have
       preparing to start domestic   other type of infection in   joint problems and it is   requires very serious in-  a significant economic
       and national production,   the animal, this infection is   very important in terms   vestments.  In our projects,   contribution.  Dependency
       said: “Hyaluronic acid is a   likely to be transferred.  For   of bone health.  In that   we have actually produced   on the foreign market will
       very expensive substance   this reason, bacterial and   respect, when it comes to   those that will be used for   decrease, in this case it will
       that we constantly buy   purified ones are generally   food supplements, it will be   cosmetic purposes under   make a positive contribu-
       from outside.  It is used as a   preferred and this is more   a formulation that affects   laboratory conditions, but   tion”.
       food supplement, it is used   suitable for human nature.    bone health when most   unfortunately we have no
       in cosmetics, plus it has a   Plus, we do not make any   people, especially women,   chance to commercialize
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