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        2                                                                                 HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

                                 “BACTERIA SWIM”
             No: 07 April 2022
                                 MAY PREVENT THE
               ISSN: 2148-953X

               CHAIRMAN          SPREAD OF DISEASES
             Süleyman GÜLER
              Berat DURMAZ       University of Minnesota researchers

            GRAPHIC DESIGNER     studied for the first time how
              Berat DURMAZ
                                 bacteria move through fluids
             ADVISORY BOARD
         Professor Dr. Kadir HALKMAN  containing small solid particles.
            Professor Dr. Aziz EKŞİ
              Melek MALKOÇ
             Exp. Yelda ZENCİR
            Özlem Etiz SAĞDAŞ
              Nevin KOÇAKER

             LEGAL ADVISORS      For years, science fiction   Almost two decades later,   for how bacteria move   Understanding how bacte-
            Hunting. Ersan BARKIN  authors have written   a multidisciplinary team at   through thick, complex   ria move through complex,
           Hunting. Murat TEZCAN
                                 about the idea of using   the University of Minnesota   fluids.            viscous environments—the
          FINANCIAL CONSULTANT   microswimmers that       has revisited the problem,                        human body being one—
              İrfan BOZYİĞİT     could perform surgeries   except the swimmers are   The U of M researchers   can help scientists design
                                 or deliver medicines to   now microscopic bacte-  have a possible answer.   treatments for diseases
              HEAD OFFICE        humans. Now, a team led   ria instead of university   They believe that as the   and even use bacteria as
         Oğuzlar Mah. 1374 Sok. No:2/4    by University of Minnesota   athletes. They found that   bacteria swim, the drag   vessels for delivering medi-
           Balgat - Ankara TURKEY  Twin Cities researchers dis-  bacteria swim even faster   created from passing by
            Tel: +90 312 342 22 45                        in thick solutions than in   particles allows their flagel-  cines to humans.
            Fax: +90312 342 22 46  covered how bacteria swim
     through different complex   water.                la—or the “tails” bacteria   “There are several mecha-
                                 fluids and environments,                          have that spin in order to   nisms people have used to
                                 such as the human body.   “Bacterial swimming,” as   propel them forward—to   explain this phenomenon
                                                          it’s commonly known in the   better align with their bod-  throughout the decades,
                                 Their findings could help   research community, has   ies, ultimately helping them   but with this study, we pro-
                                 scientists develop new   been studied intensive-  move faster.             vide a unified understand-
                                 treatments for bacte-    ly by scientists since the                        ing of what happens when
                                 ria-causing diseases and   1960s. Previous studies   A bacterial cell “wobbles”   bacteria swim through
       design bacteria-based    have found that bacte-   in order to propel itself
                               ria swim faster in thick   forward next to a mi-  complex solutions,” said
                                 systems for delivering   polymer solutions, namely   cron-sized colloid parti-  Xiang Cheng, senior au-
                                 drugs into the human body.
                                                          fluids containing polymers,   cle. Video credit: Cheng   thor on the paper and an
                                                          which are substances     Research Group, University   associate professor in the
                                 The study is published in
              DATE OF ISSUE                               made up of long chain-like   of Minnesota         University of Minnesota
           February 2022 - Ankara  Nature, the world’s leading   molecules. Researchers                     Department of Chemical
                                 peer-reviewed, multidisci-
           NOTE TO THE READER    plinary science journal.   have theorized that this is   “People have been fas-  Engineering and Materials
          Published in the Labmedya                       because the bacteria can   cinated by the swimming   Science. “And it’s important
            Newspaper featured                            swim through the net-    of bacteria ever since the   to understand how bac-
            in articles and articles   The University of Minneso-  work formed by the chain   invention of microscopes
           Responsibility of opinions   ta has a long history with                                          teria move in a complex
          Broadcast LabMedya not to   swimming in fluids other   molecules and can stretch   in the 17th century, but   environment. For example,
          its body and / or Prosigma                      the chains to assist their   until now, the understand-  a certain type of bacteria
           Company, belongs to the   than water. In 2004 Ed Cus-  propulsion.      ing was mostly limited to
          authors. Authors may have   sler, then a professor in the                simple liquids like water,”   causes stomach ulcers.
         consultancy or other business   Department of Chemical                                             Stomach lining is a viscous
          relationships with companies   Engineering and Materials   However, in this new study,   explained Shashank   environment, so studying
           involved in their work. Ads                    the U of M team studied for   Kamdar, lead author on
          also; is the responsibility of   Science, compared how   the first time how bacteria   the paper, a University of   how the bacteria move in
           advertisers. The product   fast a competitive univer-  move through solutions   Minnesota chemical engi-  these environments is im-
          information published on the   sity athlete swam in water                                         portant to understanding
          product introduction pages                      of small solid particles,   neering graduate student,
          are the presentations of the   versus a thick, syrupy guar   instead of chain molecules.   and a recipient of the PPG   how the disease spreads.”
          relevant companies and the   gum solution. It led to an   Despite vast differences in   Research Fellowship. “But it
          manufacturer Responsibility.  unexpected discovery   polymer and particle dy-  is still an open question as   “In the end, we should all
                                 (and an IgNobel prize) that   namics, they found that the   to how bacteria are moving   learn from bacteria,” Cheng
          In addition to the Labmedya
                                 humans can swim just as   bacteria still swam faster,   in real-life situations, like   added. “They keep moving
                                 fast in guar gum solutions   suggesting that there must   through soil and fluids in   forward despite opposi-
              WHAT IS LABMEDYA ?
       as in water.             be a different explanation   their own habitats.”  tion.”
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