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action. And if you don’t feel like hiking for townsection, which runs up the hill away for anyone who makes the long journey to many people, it’s all about soaking up the
the views, this is one of the world’s top from the modern center, also has some Turkey’s northeast region. The monastery sun while enjoying the gorgeous coastal
destinations to take a hot air balloon ride. If lovely old Ottoman stone houses, many of first opened during the Byzantine era and views. Cruising on a yacht is the number one
the lunarscape isn’t enough to tempt you, which have been finely restored and are now was only closed in 1923. activity for visitors to Bodrum and Fethiye for
nestled in these valleys are the frescoed boutique hotels. good reason. The steep forest-clad slopes,
rock-cut churches of the Byzantine Era, Nearby is the small village of Mustafapaşa, MOUNT NEMRUT hidden coves sporting tiny white sand
when this area was an important early which until the 1923 Population Exchange beaches, and hundreds of scattered islands
Christian site. with Greece had a mixed community of The top sightseeing drawcard for Eastern are the perfect place for exploring by sea.
Greeks and Turks, and many of the old stone Turkey, Mount Nemrut’s summit funerary Even diehard landlubbers will be impressed.
High on every tourist’s Turkey hit-list, houses that still line the quiet cobblestone mound is scattered with the broken One of the most famous trips is known as
Cappadocia is an enchanting region of streets are the remnants of its now departed remnants of once mammoth statues, which the “Blue Cruise” and travels from Fethiye
swirling volcanic-rock landscapes that seem Greek inhabitants. The Agios Konstantinos- guarded it. This weird and lonely place south down the coast until disembarking
to have been fashioned by mischievous Eleni Church is right in the center of town, has to be one of Turkey’s most peculiar near Olympus, home to the famous natural
elves. Humans have settled in this area since while the 12th-century Ayios Vasilios Church archaeological sites. The giant stone heads phenomenon of the Chimaera.
the Bronze Age and have left their own mark is found by walking up the hill to the ridge. of long-forgotten gods stare out from the
on this weird and wacky moonscape by Some small cave churches are also just out summit, casting an eerie atmosphere over PERGAMUM
burrowing into the soft volcanic rock to live. of town in the aptly-named Monastery Valley. the barren mountaintop. The time to come is
The star sightseeing attractions are villages at sunrise, so you can watch the statues as
carved out of the hillsides, Byzantine era TOPKAPI PALACE they loom out of the dark.
rock-cut churches with dazzling frescoes,
and labyrinth underground cities where early Sumptuous beyond belief, the Topkapı Palace ANI
Christians once hid from invaders. It’s a takes you into the fantastical, opulent world
magical wonderland brimming with things to of the sultans. It was from here that the The derelict buildings of the powerful
do that both nature lovers and history buffs sultans of the Ottoman Era carved out an Silk Road city of Ani sit abandoned on the
can appreciate. empire that would extend up into Europe plains close to Turkey’s modern border with
and down through the Middle East and into Armenia. Once the Armenian capital, Ani’s
Göreme Open-Air Museum Africa. The interiors, with their decadently golden age came to an end in the 14th
Just outside of Göreme village is the exuberant tiling and lavish jeweled decor, century after Mongol raids, earthquake Turkey has an abundance of Greco-Roman
UNESCO-protected site of Göreme Open-Air are an unforgettable peek into the Ottoman’s destruction, and trade route tussling all ruins, but none can be so romantically
Museum, a monastery cluster of rock-cut power base. The surrounding public gardens played their part in the city’s decline. The placed as ancient Pergamum in modern-
churches and monk-cells that hold fabulous were once the sole domain of the Royal day Bergama. Once home to one of the
frescoes. The complex dates from the 10th Court but are now open to the public and beautiful red brick buildings still crumbling ancient world’s most important libraries,
to 12th centuries, when Cappadocia was provide a tranquil, green respite from the city away amid the steppe grass have a Pergamum’s remaining temple remnants
an important Byzantine religious center. streets. mesmerising effect on all who visit. Don’t now preside dramatically on a hilltop. It’s an
There are several churches and chapels miss the Church of the Redeemer or the incredibly atmospheric place to explore, with
within the complex, but the most important PAMUKKALE Church of St. Gregory, with their elaborate an Acropolis area and a theater cut into the
are the Elmalı Kilise (Apple Church), with its stone masonry and fresco remnants still hillside with sweeping panoramic views from
Ascension fresco above the door; the Azize visible. its top seating tiers. This is a great place to
Barbara Şapeli (Chapel of St. Barbara), with ASPENDOS visit if you want to get a real feel for life in
its red-ochre interior decoration; Yılanlı the Roman era.
Kilise(Snake Church), with its wall-paintings
of St. George and interesting fresco of the Just south of Antalya, the jaw-dropping ÖLÜDENIZ
hermetic hermaphrodite St. Onuphrius; the mammoth bulk of the Roman Theater
stunning and superbly restored frescoes of of Aspendos celebrates the pomp and Impossibly turquoise-blue water. Check.
the Karanlık Kilise (Dark Church); and the ceremony of Marcus Aurelius’ rule. Lush green forest tumbling down a cliff to
cavernous Tokalı Kilise(Buckle Church), with Considered the finest surviving example of
its dazzling wall-paintings that cover the a classical age theater still standing in the a white sand beach. Check. The sheltered
entire barrel-vaulted chamber. The museum One of Turkey’s most famous natural world, it is one of antiquity’s star attractions. inlet of Ölüdeniz, just a short journey from
is one of Turkey’s top highlights and it’s wonders, the pure white travertine terraces Although the theater is the main reason Fethiye, is Turkey’s most famous beach, and
Cappadocia’s most famous tourist attraction. of Pamukkale (“Cotton Castle” in English) for a visit here - and for most visitors on a with scenery that might as well have fallen
cascade down the slope looking like an half-day trip from nearby Antalya or Side the off a perfect postcard, it’s easy to see why
Hacibektaş out-of-place snowfield amid the green theater is all they see - there are more ruins its popularity hasn’t waned. If the beach gets
Hacibektaş is a pilgrimage center for the landscape. Although the travertines are to explore over a vast hilly area if you have too crowded, it’s time to take to the skies
followers of the Bektaşı order of dervishes, themselves a highlight of a Turkey trip, the time. and experience the stunning aerial views on
founded by the philosopher and Sufi Haci vast and rambling ruins of Roman Hierapolis, a tandem paragliding dive off the summit of
Bektaş Veli. The museum here is a place an ancient spa town, lie on the top of this CRUISING THE MEDITERRANEAN mighty Babadağ Mountain, which rises up
of great devotional worship, including calcite hill, providing another reason to visit. behind the shore. Oh, did we mention that
Haci Bektaş Veli’s tomb as well as many For the best photographs, come at dusk Turkey’s Mediterranean coastline has ruins Ölüdeniz is one of the world’s top paragliding
interesting exhibits about the faith. when the travertines glow as the sun sinks galore and bags of things to do, but for destinations? Check.
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On the road between the towns of Nevşehir below the horizon.
and Hacibektaş is the village of Gulşehir,
which is home to two interesting attractions. SUMELA MONASTERY
The rock-cut monastery of Açık Saray was
probably used by monks in the 6th and
7th centuries and contains a number of ATTENTION TURKISH
interesting cave-cut rooms. A little further
down the highway is the 13th-century St.
Jean Church, which is rarely visited despite LABORATORY INDUSTRY
having an interior absolutely covered
in gloriously colorful and well-restored
Ürgüp is a popular place to stay for visitors With its stunning, lonely setting, built into
to Cappadocia because of its boutique hotels a cliff face, Sumela Monastery (Monastery @ ARABLAB 18–21 MARCH 2018
and good restaurant scene. Relics from of the Virgin Mary) is the star attraction
the Seljuk period include the Karamanoğlu for visitors along the Black Sea Coast.
Mosque (which dates to the 13th century) Wandering around this abandoned religious www . ARABLAB .com
and the Altı Kapı Türbesi (a tomb built by complex, with its church interiors crammed
a Seljuk prince for his family). The old with dazzling and vibrant frescoes, is a must