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       Massachusetts, observed something   caution from an ethical perspective.”
       similar when she studied how people
       interact with Pleo, a toy dinosaur robot.   The obvious conclusion is that rights
       Pleo doesn’t look lifelike it’s obviously   ought to be accorded not on the basis
       a toy. But it’s programmed to act and   of biology but on something even more
       speak in ways that suggest not only a   fundamental: personhood.
       form of intelligence but also the ability
       to experience suffering. If you hold Pleo   WHAT RIGHTS?
       upside-down, it will whimper and tell
       you to stop.                    If we wind up recognizing some
                                       intelligent machine as a person, which
       In an effort to see just how far we   legal rights would we be obliged to
       might go in extending compassion   bestow on it? If it could pass the Turing
       to simple robots, Darling encouraged   test, we might feel it would deserve at
       participants at a recent workshop to   least the right to continued existence.
       play with Pleo and then asked them to   But Robert Sparrow, a philosopher
       destroy it. Almost all refused. “People   at Monash University in Melbourne,
       are primed, subconsciously, to treat   Australia, thinks that’s just the
       robots like living things, even though   beginning. What happens, he wonders, if
       on a conscious level, on a rational level,   a machine’s “mind” is even greater than
       we totally understand that they’re not   a human’s? In a piece that appeared
       real,” Darling says.While neither Pleo   recently on, he writes:
       nor Spot can feel pain, Darling believes   “Indeed, not only would it be just as
       it’s worth paying attention to how we   wrong to kill a machine that could pass
       treat these entities. “If it is disturbing   the Turing test as to kill an adult human
       to us to behave violently towards them   being, but, depending on the capacities
       if there’s something that feels wrong   of the machine, it might even be more
       about it maybe that’s a piece of our   wrong.”                      TURKISH
       empathy that we don’t want to turn off,
       because it could influence how we treat   Maybe that makes sense from the
                                       perspective of pure logic. But Ryan Calo,
       other living things,” she says. (This is   an expert in robotics and cyber law at  SIGNATURE
       a key question raised by the TV series
       Westworld, in which guests at a theme   the University of Washington in Seattle,   FOR GENETIC
       park are encouraged to treat ultra-  says our laws are unlikely to bend that
       lifelike humanoid robots however they   far. “Our legal system reflects our basic
       please.)                        some sort of artificial person, “it would  DIAGNOSIS
                                       biology,” he says. If we one day invent
       CONVERSING WITH ROBOTS          break everything about the law, as we   OF
                                       understand it today.”
       For now, mistreating Pleo or any other
       existing robot is no crime as long as   entity’s right to have its own interests  HEMOPHILIA
                                       For Andrews, the key issue is the
       you’re the owner. But what about
       mistreating a bot that we believed really   recognized. Of course, it may be tricky
       had some form of consciousness?   determining what those interests are
       And how would we be able to tell if a   just as it can be hard for people from   Hemophilia genetic test kit is the   success of my work.”
       machine has a mind in the first place?  one culture to understand the desires   first time in the world was produced   Onay points out that there are
                                                                           at the Faculty of Medicine of Ege
                                                                                                        treatments of this disease,  “For
       Computer science pioneer Alan Turing   of people from another. But when we   University by Associate Professor   this reason, genetic diagnosis is
       pondered this question half a century   recognize something as a person,   Hüseyin Onay.         very important. There are a few
       ago. The way Turing saw it, we can   we’re obligated to at least try to do                       advantages to this recognition.
       never know for sure what a machine   the right thing, she says. “If we realize   Ege University (EÜ) Medical Faculty   It determines the severity of the
       is feeling or experiencing so our best   that something is actually a ‘someone,’   Hospital Department of Medical   disease. We can prevent the next
       bet is simply to see if we can carry on   then we have to take their interests into   Genetics Associate Professor   generation or a sick individual
       a conversation with it just as if it were   account.”               Hüseyin Onay developed the   from having a sick sibling. At the
       human (what we now call the Turing                                  “first” test kit for the detection of   same time, genetic diagnosis is
                                                                           hemophilia, which is difficult to
                                                                                                        very important in determining
       test).                          And perhaps it’s not so far-fetched   diagnose genetically. Onay said in   the patient, who is resistant to
                                       to imagine that those interests might   a statement he did nearly 100.000   treatment.”
       Given the complexity of human   include continued existence in which   tests in his college for 15 years.  Onay reported that a kit for the
       conversation, building a machine   case we might want to think twice                             genetic diagnosis of hemophilia
       capable of engaging in lengthy verbal   before reaching for the off button.  Onay reported that hemorrhagic   has not been produced so far in the
       exchanges is a daunting task. But if                                disorder was directed towards the   world and he expressed the pride of
       we could build such a machine, Turing   The Rise of Smart Machines Puts Spotlight on   hemophilia disorder, “Until now, no   accomplishing this.
                                                                           standard method has been found
       argued, we ought to treat it as though   ‘Robot Rights’ was originally published by NBC   to be used in the genetic diagnosis   Onay emphasizes the use of the kit
       it’s a thinking, feeling being.  Universal Media, LLC on December 4, 2017 by Dan   of this condition, which can cause   they produce, “In this way we have
       Mark Goldfeder, an Atlanta-based rabbi   Falk. Copyright 2017 NBC Universal Media, LLC. All   deaths. From here I have completed   produced an approved hemophilia
       and law professor, has reached a similar   rights reserved.         the study I started on the kit, which   genetic diagnostic kit in the world.
       conclusion: If an entity acts human, he                             will provide the genetic diagnosis of   We are planning to introduce and
       wrote recently, “I can not start poking it                          hemophilia. My previous experience   market this product in foreign trade
       to see if it bleeds. I have a responsibility                        was an important factor in the   fairs and scientific congresses.”
       to treat all that seem human as humans,
       and it is better to err on the side of
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