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As part of the annual event, Obama receiving her Master’s degree in
awarded two Turkish scientists, systems and industrial engineering
Nurçin Çelik of the University at the University of Arizona two
of Miami and Sinan Keten of years later, and completing her PhD
Northwestern University, on Jan. 9. in 2010 at the same university.
“I congratulate these outstanding
scientists and engineers on their Keten’s focus lies in nanostructured
impactful work,” President Obama polymeric materials and
said in a statement marking the biomolecular and bioinspired
awards announcement for 102 materials.
scientists and researchers. He also graduated from Boğaziçi
University before receiving his
TWO TURKISH “These innovators are working to Master’s in Engineering and PhD
help keep the United States on the
from the Massachusetts Institute of
SCIENTISTS HAVE cutting edge, showing that Federal Technology.
investments in science lead to
RECEIVED TOP US advancements that expand our Speaking after receiving the awards,
knowledge of the world around us
both Çelik and Keten expressed
and contribute to our economy,” he
pride in receiving their prestigious
AWARD added. acknowledgment.
Çelik’s research interests include The awards, established by
dynamic data driven multi-scale President Clinton in 1996, are
adaptive simulations, modeling coordinated by the Office of Science
U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA HAS and control of complex systems, and Technology Policy within the
NAMED 102 SCIENTISTS AND RESEARCHERS distributed federation of multi- Executive Office of the President.
AS RECIPIENTS OF THE PRESIDENTIAL paradigm simulations, modeling Awardees are selected for their
EARLY CAREER AWARDS FOR SCIENTISTS and control in emerging applications pursuit of innovative research
(distributed power networks; solid
at the frontiers of science and
AND ENGINEERS (PECASE), THE HIGHEST waste management and recycling technology and their commitment to
HONOR BESTOWED BY THE UNITED STATES systems). community service as demonstrated
GOVERNMENT ON SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING through scientific leadership, public
PROFESSIONALS IN THE EARLY STAGES OF She graduated from Istanbul’s education, or community outreach.
THEIR INDEPENDENT RESEARCH CAREERS. Boğaziçi University in 2006 before
zircon when it solidified. technique used to analyze zircon as
The chemical signatures of zircon well as the assumptions made in the
MOON’S ACTUAL allowed the scientists to estimate the study.
occurrence of the solidification of
AGE CONFIRMED the Moon. The team dated samples “It is just a very complicated problem
they are addressing me, which is why
radiometrically, by measuring how
we still do not have a clear answer to
much uranium had decade into lead
BY SCIENTISTS FROM and how hafnium had decade into such obvious question as the age of
the moon”, Dr. Carlson explain.
various daughter isotopes.
FRAGMENTS OF LUNAR The researchers manage to date But, Barboni still says that it makes
back gigantic impact that would have
sense for the Moon to be old. If some
ROCK created a massive ocean of liquid scientists think that life formed as late
as 4.1 billion years ago, then the giant
magma that eventually merged into the
earth and the Moon, a key process that impact occurred much earlier than the
is often considered as the beginning of first emergence of lifeforms, and the
the Moon’s life. Earth has more time to evolve for the
A new study about the actual age 4.51 billion years ago, 60 million years right conditions for life to thrive.
of the Moon has confirmed by the after the solar system took shape. Based on the analyses made by Zircon has already been found to be
scientists through the rocks found Melanie Barboni and her team, the age valuable for dating rocks on Earth.
and collected by the Apollo 14. They The researcher in UCLA’s Earth, of the Moon is 4.51 million years, give This type of rock that crystalizes from
have figured out the precise age of the Planetary and Space Sciences or take 10 million years. “We were able magma, dated 4.374 billion years old,
Moon than ever before, from the rocks Department and the lead author of the to correct for everything that was a and remains relatively unchanged. It is
gathered in the mission. study Melanie Barboni, told problem before, the people said about though to have been crystalize when
that “We are really sure that this age is
According to, similar very, very robust.” zircon could not be used”, Barboni the Moon is still volcanically active,
magma from lunar interior erupted
estimates from the previous studies onto space and eventually cooled and
have raised an argument that the moon In the article posted in The Verge, However, Dr. Richard Carlson, director crystalized into zircon.
emerged 150 million to 200 million Barboni stated that the moon technique for the department of terrestrial
years after the solar system was involved breaking down the chemical magnetism at Carnegie Institution for
born. But the recent study published components of a mineral within Science, told The Verge that the results
in January 11, says, based on the the lunar samples called zircon. It of Barboni’s study was not enough
analysis of the fragments of zircon helps the scientists to figure out the to settle the debate on Moon’s age.
found in the rocks collected from the important event happened in the Carlson has few concerns about the
moon, reveals that the moon formed Moon’s formation just by studying