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                                                       2016: TURKEY’S YEAR

                                                       OF MEGA PROJECTS

                                                       DAILY SABAH

       THE THIRD BRIDGE FOR THE BOSPORUS:   built through a public-private partnership   frames per day in high resolution, will have a   time, as well as save 8.3 million liters (2.19
       AUG. 26                         as the first road project in the country to be   lifetime of seven years.  million gallons) of fuel annually. Moreover,
       Istanbul’s Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, which   procured under the build-operate-transfer   Designed to transmit images at a higher   the tunnel is estimated to contribute
       cost nearly $3 billion to construct through the   model.         resolution compared to similar models in   approximately TL 40 million ($12 million)
       build-operate-transfer finance model, opened                     orbit, the Göktürk-1 satellite will also perform   to the Turkish economy. Furthermore, the
       on Aug. 26 as the world’s longest suspension   The project began with an interchange (2x5   remote-sensory tasks for public institutions   tunnel will make significant contributions to
       rail bridge in its class. It will lead to $1.75   lanes) that was built 2.5 kilometers after the   and organizations in many fields, including   the industrial entities in the region by carrying
       billion a year in savings through reduced   Gebze Interchange on the Anadolu Highway,   environment and construction monitors,   the products of factories in central Anatolia
       travel times and energy costs.  and ending at the Otogar Intersection on the   agricultural cultivation, municipal applications,   to the Black Sea region and facilitate the
                                       İzmir Highway. The bridge reaches a height   border control and cadastral activities.  transportation of the products brought to
       The bridge was completed within a record-  of 252 meters and the bridge’s deck is 25.93
       breaking 27-month time frame, nine months   meters long, with a main span length of 1,550   EURASIA TUNNEL UNDER THE BOSPORUS:   İnebolu Port to the central regions of Turkey.
       ahead of schedule, and it is first of its kind   meters. Totaling 2,682 meters, the İzmit Bay   DEC. 20
       completed in such a time frame. More   Bridge has the fourth-largest main span in the   Eurasia Tunnel, Marmaray’s sister, is the first   UPCOMING PROJECTS IN 2017
       than 6,500 workers and engineers worked   world. It will eventually cut the average travel   road tunnel for automotive-transit access   1915 Çanakkale Dardanelles Bridge
       diligently on the construction of the Yavuz   time between the Aegean coastal province of   between the Asian and European sides of   President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, speaking at
       Sultan Selim Bridge. The total length of the   Izmir and Istanbul, which are 480 kilometers   Istanbul under the Bosporus. It reduces   the opening ceremony of the Eurasia Tunnel,
       bridge is 2,164 meters.         apart, from 10 hours to approximately four.  the travel time between the two sides to 15   announced that the foundation of the bridge
                                                                        minutes and opened on Dec. 20 with a grand   linking Gelibolu on the European side and
       Located at the Bosporus’ entrance to the   Kenan Sofuoğlu, a world-renowned Turkish   ceremony.  Lapseki on the Anatolian side will be laid in
       Black Sea, the 1.4 kilometer bridge will   motorcycle racer, broke a racing record on   Eurasia Tunnel, which cost $1.3 billion, will   March 18, 2017. Previously, Ahmet Arslan,
       carry eight lanes of traffic and two rail lines   the bridge prior to the inauguration ceremony,   create a business volume of TL 1.5 million   the minister of transportation, maritime affairs
       between Europe and Asia, when the Northern   managing to hit the 400 kilometer per hour   for the Turkish economy and save 52 million   and communication, confirmed that the last
       Marmara Motorway Project, the next two   mark on his sports bike within 30 seconds.  hours of time in traffic. The time saving   phase of the pre-project survey has been
       phases of which will see 257 kilometers of                       potential is one of the great features provided   reached and they will receive the bids for the
       roads, is completed by the end of 2018. The                      by the tunnel. Thanks to its extra capacity,   construction of the bridge in Jan. 2017. The
       height of the tower in the village of Garipçe                    it will shorten travel time and save about 52   bridge will be tendered as a build-operate and
       on the European side is 322 meters and the                       million hours of time per year for passing the   transfer model. The 1915 Çanakkale Bridge
       tower in the Poyrazköy district on the Asian                     Bosporus.                       is planned to be 352 kilometers (218 miles)
       side is 318 meters high.                                                                         long covering the Kınalı-Tekirdağ-Çanakkale-
                                                                        The amount of vehicular emissions (carbon   Gelibolu-Balıkesir Motorway. At the initial
       This third Bosporus bridge was named after                       monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides,
       Selim I, the 16th century sultan known for his                   particulate matter, et cetera) released will   phase bids for the 100 km long part of the
       expansion of the Ottoman Empire. It follows                      be reduced by approximately 82,000 tons   bridge, which will link Malkara-Gelibolu-
       the July 15 Martyrs’ Bridge, previously                          per year thanks to the project. A total of   Çanakkale, will be accepted.
       the Bosporus Bridge, and the Fatih Sultan                        60 subcontractors are also working on the
       Mehmet Bridge, in spanning the important                         project, employing 800 people a day.  TURKSTREAM NATURAL GAS PIPELINE
       waterway.                                                        The project has created a business volume   After years of development, followed by a
                                                                        of TL 1.5 million per day for the Turkish   period of political uncertainty, Russia and
       NEW HIGH-SPEED TRAIN STATION IN                                  economy thanks to the expenditures made   Turkey have finally re-agreed to push ahead
       TURKEY’S CAPITAL: OCT. 29                                        during the construction work. During the   with the Turkish Steam pipeline, which is
       On the 93rd anniversary of the founding of                       excavation of approximately 2 million cubic   estimated to cost $15.1 billion. The decision
       the Republic of Turkey, a new station for                        meters, 700,000 cubic meters of concrete   was reached at the 2016 World Energy
       high-speed trains in capital Ankara was   TURKEY LAUNCHES GÖKTÜRK-1   and 70,000 tons of iron were used.  Conference (WEC) in Istanbul and sealed with
       inaugurated to provide services to 50,000                        Construction of the titanic-infrastructure   an intergovernmental agreement signed by
       passengers a day.                                                project took over four years. The total length   Energy Minister Berat Albayrak and Russian
                                                                        of the project is 14.6 kilometers and the most   Energy Minister Alexender Novak in the
       The $235-million station, which was built   SATELLITE: DEC. 5    crucial part, the Bosporus crossing, is 5.4   presence of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
       in two years through the public-private   Turkey launched its second military   kilometers long.  and Russian President Vladimir Putin. The
       partnership model, is among a set of leading   surveillance satellite, the Göktürk-1, from the   909 kilometers of new pipeline will travel
       infrastructure projects planned as part of a   Kourou Launch Center in French Guiana on   Constructed with the most advanced design,   beneath the Black Sea linked to 177 miles of
       series of objectives for Turkey’s centennial   Dec. 5.           technology and engineering applications, the   onshore pipes transporting gas from Russia
       in 2023.                        A military intelligence satellite system that   tunnel is designed to withstand earthquakes
                                       will enable Turkey to obtain high-resolution   of a magnitude up to 7.5 on Richter scale and   via Turkey to Europe.
       According to Turkish State Railways, the   images from any part of the world without   tsunamis. Furthermore, with its advanced
       facility also boasts 134 hotel rooms and over   any geographical restrictions, Göktürk-1 is   security features, it can be used as a shelter   The project, which has been in the planning
       200-rentable areas for restaurants, coffee   designed to provide secure transmission of   when necessary.  stages since 2014, is expected to reach
       shops, entertainment venues, stores and   the said images to ground units. In addition           deliverability of 63 billion cubic meters
       offices. Twelve office spaces and a parking lot   to its use for military intelligence, the satellite   ILGAZ TUNNEL OPENS: DEC. 26  of natural gas annually once operational.
       for 1,910 vehicles are also among the other   will also provide images for civilian purposes.   The Ilgaz Mountain project, consisting of two   Gazprom expects total costs on the project to
       facilities of the station, distinguished for its   Turkey’s first sub-meter resolution discovery   tunnels - one 5,370 meters (17,618 feet)   reach $15.1 billion. Alexey Miller, Gazprom’s
       modern architectural style. The station will be   surveillance satellite project, Göktürk-1 was   long and the other 5,391 meters long - was   chairman, said the first phase of undersea
       directly linked to means of mass transit, such   developed primarily to fulfill the needs of the   constructed to connect Turkey’s west Black   pipe lying will start in 2017 and could be
       as a suburban rail system and the subway.  Air Force’s Command. Costing a total amount   Sea and central Anatolia regions, as well   completed as early as 2019. Gazprom will
                                       of 261.5 million euros ($273.6 million), the   as the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, thus   be working alongside Turkey’s BOTAS to
       The station has a closed area of 194,460   Göktürk-1 satellite will expedite the fight   constituting an important point in the north-  complete the project. BP’s CEO Bob Dudley,
       square meters and consists of eight floors,   against terrorism due to its ability to receive   south corridor. Stretching hundreds of meters   speaking at the WEC, also expressed his
       including the basements, three platforms and   high-resolution images. The satellite, which   underground, the tunnel has lessened the   eagerness to get involved with the Turkish
       six high-speed lines.           circumvents the earth approximately every   difficulty of getting around the 875-meter high   Stream, citing the pleasing results of BP’s
                                       90 minutes, is expected to take more than   Ilgaz Mountain, which was a major obstacle   involvement on another Turkish-involved
       OSMANGAZI BRIDGE: JUNE 30       60,000 images per year. Every time it passes   for drivers.
       Osmangazi Bridge, a landmark road bridge   over Turkey, the satellite will transfer the          project, the Trans Anatolian Natural Gas
                                                                                                        Pipeline (TANAP).
       over Turkey’s Marmara Sea, cuts travel time   photographs and images taken while in orbit   The tunnel will significantly reduce traveling
       between Istanbul and the country’s western   to the Air Force Command’s satellite ground   time on the Ilgaz Mountain motorway, from 35
       provinces. It opened to traffic on June 30,   station.           minutes to eight minutes, cutting the existing   Recently, after the Turkish Grand National
       forming part of a new six-lane Istanbul-Izmir   A more improved version of Göktürk-2,   route by 5.4 kilometers (3.4 miles). After   Assembly and President Recep Tayyip
       highway, with a cost of around $6.3 billion.   which can take black and white images at 2.5   the tunnels opened, the route on the Ilgaz   Erdoğan approved the TurkStream project, it
       Completed within a 39-month period, the   meters (8.2 feet) and color ones at 5 meters,   Mountain, which is 16.8 kilometers long, will   was reported that the Russian government
       Osman Gazi Bridge aims to decrease the   Göktürk-1 will be able to capture images in   shorten to 11.4 kilometers.  ratified the draft bill on the approval of the
       over concentration of industrial operations in   black and white at a 50-centimeter (19.6-       TurkStream pipeline project. Now, TurkStream
       Kocaeli’s Gebze and Dilovası districts.  inch) resolution and in color at 2 meters. The   Ilgaz Tunnel is expected to provide 345,655   will be voted out in the State Duma, the lower
       The 421 kilometer highway project is being   satellite, which will be able to capture 358   hours per annum, making up for previous lost   wing of the Russian parliament, in January
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