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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                              3

                                                                                     EATING A CERTAIN

                                                                                     PROTEIN IS RELATED

                                                                                     TO DEVELOPING


                                                                                   A new study shows, in humans,

                                                                                   mice, and flies, that elevated plasma
                                                                                   levels and a diet rich in the amino acid
                                                                                   proline cause a more severe state

                                                                                   of depression.

        Amino acids are mono-    caught fish. The findings,   plasma metabolomics was   became more depressed   Finally, the same experi-
        mers that are the building   published in the scientific   evaluated, the concentra-  had received the microbio-  ment was performed on
        blocks of protein. When   journal Cell Metabolism,   tion of proline emerged   ta of participants with high   genetically modified flies to
        a person consumes food   also link a proline-rich diet   as one of the metabolites   proline, or more depressed   eliminate the channels that
        containing protein, the   to an increased risk of   most associated with indi-  subjects. Different genes   carry proline to the brain.
        protein is broken down into   developing depression.  cators of depression.  associated with the trans-  In this case, the proline was
        amino acids by the diges-                                                  port of proline were also   unable to reach the brain,
        tive system. To carry out   Dr. José Manuel Fernán-  PROLINE LEVELS,       found in the brains of these   and the flies proved to be
        bodily functions, the body   dez-Real and Dr. Jordi   DEPENDING ON THE     mice. “The possibility of   highly resilient to depres-
        then combines the amino   Mayneris-Perxachs from   MICROBIOTA              transferring the depression   sion.
        acids in different ways.   the IDIBGI and CIBEROBN                         phenotype from humans
        There are 20 different   research groups on Nutri-  But not everyone who had   to mice through microbiota   THE IMPORTANCE OF
        amino acids, of which 9 are   tion, Eumetabolism, and   a high intake of proline was   transplantation and the   PROLINE IN FUTURE
        considered essential amino   Health led the study, as did   more depressed. When   demonstration that such   TREATMENTS
        acids because they cannot   Dr. Rafael Maldonado from   studying these people’s in-  transplantation gener-
        be made by the body and   the Pompeu Fabra Uni-   testinal microbiota, a rela-  ates alterations in proline   “These results demon-
        must come from food.     versity Neuropharmacol-  tionship was also observed   transport reveals that this   strate the importance of
                                 ogy-Neurophar research   between depression       proline may be associated   proline and its influence on
        Newly released research   group, which is affiliated   and bacteria, as well as   causally with depression”,   people’s depressive mood,
        confirms the link between   with the Hospital de la Mar   between depression and   explains Dr. Maldonado, of   which so far had not been
        a certain amino acid called   Medical Research Institute   bacterial genes associated   UPF.        taken into account,” high-
        proline and depression.   (IMIM).                 with proline metabolism.                          lights Dr. Fernández-Real.
        Proline is a nonessential                         Thus, it was observed that   Another confirmatory   The study also opens the
        amino acid and is found   To reach these conclusions,   circulating proline levels   experiment was carried out   way for new studies to find
        in grass-fed beef, pas-  on the one hand, the type   depended on the micro-  using fruit flies (Drosophila   possible diet-based treat-
        ture-raised chicken, gelatin,   and amount of amino acids   biota. “The microbiota of   melanogaster), in which a   ments for depression.
        bone broth, organ meats   in the diet of the partici-  patients with high proline   more depressive mood can
        like liver, and cage-free   pants were analyzed. Par-  consumption but low plas-  be induced. The research-  This study has also en-
        egg yolks. According to the   ticipants also completed a   ma levels of proline was   ers isolated two types of   joyed the collaboration of
        study, a diet rich in proline   questionnaire to measure   similar to the microbiota   bacteria from the microbi-  researchers from the FISA-
        is linked to an increased   their depressive mood.   associated with low levels   ota associated with proline   BIO Foundation, the Lleida
        risk of depression.      “We were surprised that   of depression and was   consumption and added    Biomedical Research
                                 what was most associated   enriched in bacterial genes   them to the flies’ sterilized   Institute (IRBLleida), and
        Researchers from Girona   with depression, evaluated   involved in the transport   feed. Flies that ingested   the Institute for Integrative
        Biomedical Research Insti-  through this questionnaire,   and metabolism of proline”,   food with Lactobacillus,   Systems Biology (I2SysBio)
        tute (IDIBGI) and Pompeu   was the consumption of   states Dr. Mayneris-Perx-  which in mice was associ-  of the University of Valen-
        Fabra University (UPF) in   proline,” says Dr. Fernán-  achs, a Miguel Servet   ated with less depression,   cia and the CSIC.
        Barcelona, Spain, have   dez-Real, of the IDIBGI, and   researcher at the IDIBGI.  showed they were more
        discovered the role of an   also head of the Endocri-                      willing to overcome difficul-  Reference: “Microbiota al-
        amino acid in depression   nology Section at Hospital   To find out if the presence   ties they faced afterward.   terations in proline metab-
        in humans, mice, and flies.   Dr. Josep Trueta in Girona   of proline was a cause or a   In contrast, those that in-  olism impact depression”
        It is proline, an amino acid   and director of the Depart-  consequence of depressive   gested Enterobacter, which   by Jordi Mayneris-Perx-
        found in a broad range   ment of Medical Sciences   mood, participants’ mi-  is associated with depres-  achs, DOI: 10.1016/j.
        of foods such as gelatin,   at the University of Girona.   crobiota was transplanted   sion in humans, were much   cmet.2022.04.001
        grass-fed beef, and wild-  Confirming this, when   into mice. The rodents that   more depressed.
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